Applicant must hold a business license and registered trademarks issued by the ministry of commerce and industry.
The business entity must be legally established for at least 2 years, holds no history of previous violations and no bad records with other government agencies; have an annual business plan with clear-cut goals and long-term vision.
No losses incurred over the last 2 years, and has increased annual production value for over 2 consecutive years; possesses high credit ratings of “AA” and above among the commerce, taxation, commodity inspection, and banking sectors.
Shown remarkable performances in multiple aspects such as brand establishment, operation and management, enterprise restructuring and R&D, with innovative development strategy and a sense in brand building.
Have a strong base of innovative technologies and R&D capabilities to run a powerful production, meeting regulations and policies stated by the government and related agencies.
Product displays long-term stability, with qualities fulfilling the requirements, rules and regulations stated by the government; passes quality control criteria; offers a complete set of supporting before and after sales services; and no potential accidents or hazards associated with the product over the past 3 years.
The company shall manufacture its own proprietary products, with patents granted by the intellectual property office, or won awards at the provincial and national-level. Accreditations from third-party certification such as certification of management system, product quality certification, social responsibility as well as industrial certifications will be taken into consideration.
The company brand enjoys a high reputation among consumers and adequate media attention.
It is important that the application is accompanied by authentic documentary evidence, as the nomination may be liable to cancellation if the authenticity is proved, otherwise.