Asia Pacific TOP Excellence Brand
Awarded to a reputable brand which holds excellent credibility, well respected, highly accepted and recognized by loyal customers.
Asia Pacific Super Health Brand
Awarded to a trustworthy brand of health-care products and services with exceptionally credibility, well respected and highly acceptable and recognizable by loyal customers. Its excellent products and services are high quality, safe to use, outstanding functions, health and environmental friendly.
Asia Pacific TOP Excellence Enterprise
Awarded to the company which has an outstanding performance, an industry leader and has demonstrated honesty and integrity in its business development. It is the role model in its industry and progressively leads the business trends and contributing a positive impact to the community
Asia Pacific TOP Excellence Brand (E-commerce)
Asia Pacific TOP Excellence Brand (E-commerce) Awarded to an E-commerce brand that has outstanding brand credibility, well respected, highly recognizable by extremely loyal consumers.
Asia Pacific TOP Entrepreneurs of The Year
Awarded to entrepreneurs with outstanding leadership skills, impressive performance in executing planning, image branding and also quality services. The companies that they lead have achieved good profits and development. Other than the companies in their own industries, they excelled and have become the role model in other industries as well. Leading the business trends and with their boldness, these entrepreneurs have brought positive impact in the community.
Asia Pacific TOP CEO
Awarded to entrepreneurs with outstanding leadership skills, impressive performance in executing planning, image branding and also quality in services. The companies that they lead have achieved good profits and development. They have excelled and become the role model in their industries.
Asia Pacific TOP Young Entrepreneurs
Awarded to young entrepreneurs who hold a determined entrepreneurial spirit and a dynamic insight for business. The companies that were established have excellent achievements and progressed well which demonstrated the success of the highly potential entrepreneurs.
Asia Pacific TOP Women Entrepreneurs
Awarded to the outstanding and excellent women entrepreneurs who are the new generation of high achievers. The companies they lead are fast growing and are also reaping excellent profits. This has brought them to the leading position in their respective industries.
Asia Pacific Health Ambassador
Awarded to the entrepreneurs who are passionate and have undying enthusiastic in promoting healthy values, healthy lifestyle and provide guidance in understanding health values. They are the best ambassadors for healthy lifestyle where they can bring positive impact to the society.
Asia Pacific TOP Golden Brand Products
Awarded to products with excellent quality, highly effective, great potential and bright future development. The products have also demonstrated strong attraction among consumers.
Asia Pacific TOP Excellence Service
Awarded to companies which provide excellence services quality and customer services. The business is committed to provide quality services and also effectively manage the business resources to fulfill the customers’ requirements. The excellent and professional standard of service quality is definitely worth to be followed by others.
Asia 100 Favourite Product
Awarded to the products which are highly favored by Asian. The products have unique and distinctive characters with excellent potential for further development. The products have a strong stand in the market.
Asia TOP Excellence Health Products
Awarded to Asia’s popular products which are highly effective, excellent quality, elegant, trendy, embracing the health concept and at the same time leading the trend of popular products.
Asia Pacific TOP Halal Brand
Awarded to products / services which complied with the national halal certification requirements. At the same time, the products/ services have achieved a high credibility, customer loyalty, excellent quality, safe to use, highly effective, and many more.
Asia Pacific TOP Excellence Brand (Bird’s Nest Enterprise)
Awarded to the bird’s nest company/brand with an outstanding achievement and contribution in the industry and also setting the benchmark in the Asia Pacific bird’s nest industry.
Asia Pacific Beauty, Slimming, Hair Care – The Trusted Brand
Awarded to the brands with outstanding performance in the beauty care, slimming and hair care industries. The excellent quality of the products and services are favorably attracting the diversity of consumers’ attention, trust, recognition and affirmation.
Power 100 Innovative Brand
GBM POWER 100 Innovative Brand
Awarded to an emerging brand that actively innovates and seeks changes, and operates with integrity.
GBM POWER 100 Innovative Products
Awarded to products with high quality, innovative functions, innovative designs or with great development
GBM POWER 100 Innovative Services
Awarded to enterprises with innovative practices and outstanding service quality. The excellence quality and
innovative service be the role model for other entrepeneurs.
GBM POWER 100 Innovative Enterprise
Awarded to enterprises with innovative business models, outstanding performance and integrity
management. The company has good development potential and concepts, leads business trends, and is
GBM POWER 100 Innovative Young Entrepreneur
Awarded to young entrepreneurs with creativity, innovative spirit and concepts, and sensitive business
sense. The established company shows great potential.
>GBM POWER 100 Innovative Entrepreneur
Awarded to entrepreneurs who have outstanding performance in leadership, executive planning, brand
building or service quality. The established enterprise is mobilising innovation and become a role model in
the respective industry.