Align with the visions, missions, and values of APC |
Possesses domestic entrepreneur resources and good relations with the government |
Capable of organising activities |
Cooperation Process
Headquarter due diligence |
Headquarter authorisation |
Identity authorization
International Committee Member |
APC congregate the resources of Asia Pacific countries, forming a “family network” of Asia Pacific countries. By becoming a partner of APC, one will receive prioritised resource assistance and other facilities through this channel. APC partners will always feel supported and assisted by APC family members where they are
International Committee Director, Strategic Partner |
International Committee Director or Strategic Partner facilitates APC members in location aliasing with government agencies, linking with customers, expanding networks and maximizing profit.
Chairman Committee Members, Secretariat Members, International Advisors, Joint Venture Partners |
APC accelerates the establishment of a good relationship with local governments; promote the transformation of local enterprises to accelerate their development. With APC’s brand appeal, APC Chairman Committee members, secretariat members, international advisors and joint venture partners will have the attention and support of local governments. This is to assist local enterprises in obtaining more investments, funding, listings, network expansion and trade promotion, assisting enterprises to achieve in transformation and upgrade, and realising maximum return.
APC Transformation Investment Fund - Directors |
APC together with top-tier resources initiated the setting up of the APC Transformation Investment Fund. In alignment with the strategic directions of “One Belt One Road”, to service various small and medium-sized enterprises in the Asia Pacific region and facilitate the development of traditional industry towards the direction of “Internet+”.